
amountuint256The number of items must be 0 if the item is ERC721 or CryptoPunks
tokenIduint256The token ID of the item
contractAddressaddressThe contract address of the collection
cyanVaultAddressaddressThe contract address of the cyan vault
itemTypeuint81 -> ERC721, 2-> ERC1155, 3 -> CryptoPunks


amountuint256Loaning amount
downPaymentPercentuint32Downpayment percent multiplied by 100 (Ex: 20% is represented as 200)
interestRateuint32Interest rate multiplied by 100 (Ex: 20% is represented as 200)
serviceFeeRateuint32Service fee rate multiplied by 100 (Ex: 20% is represented as 200)
termuint32Number of seconds between each payment
totalNumberOfPaymentsuint8Total number of payments
counterPaidPaymentsuint8A number of the payments are currently paid.
autoRepayStatusuint8Auto repayment status, 0 -> disabled, 1 -> enabled