The pricer accepts a currency address and an array of NFT items as input, and returns possible loan options.

Pricing Step 1: Retrieve loan options for items

priceBnplsStep1 is an asynchronous method that performs the first step in pricing Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) or Pawn loans for a set of items. It retrieves pricing options for each item based on the provided currency and the current chain associated with the items.


  • currencyAddress (string): The address of the currency to be financed for the loan.
  • items (Array of <IItem | IItemWithPrice >): An array of items to be priced. Each item can either be a basic item (IItem) or an item with a pre-determined price (IItemWithPrice ).


Example Usage

const currencyAddress = '0x123...'; // Replace with actual currency address
const items = [
  { address: '0xabc...', tokenId: '1', itemType: ItemType.ERC721, amount: 1, isAutoLiquidated: false },
  { address: '0xdef...', tokenId: '2', itemType: ItemType.ERC721, amount: 1, isAutoLiquidated: false, price: { amount: BigNumber.from(1000), currency: '0x123...' } }

// call pricer step 1 based on plan type
// BNPL - sdk.priceBnplsStep1()
// Pawn - sdk.pricePawnsStep1()

const pricedItems = await sdk.priceBnplsStep1(currencyAddress, items);


Call pricer step 1 based on plan type

  • For BNPL: Use sdk.priceBnplsStep1()
  • For Pawn: Use sdk.pricePawnsStep1()


  • This method is part of the pricing flow for creating loans. It interacts with an external API to get pricing information and applies specific loan options for each item.
  • Ensure the provided currencyAddress is valid and supported by the chain the items are on.
  • The items array can include both items that need to be appraised (Pawn) and items that already have a price (BNPL), allowing for flexibility in the pricing process.